Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thumbelina The Great!!!!

Let's into the sweetest story. Could you imagine a horse smaller than dog?
She's cute and never pass unnoticed, do you want to see?
She's a volunteer wherever she goes. She's beatiful and rigth now she's working on a rehabilitation program with children who suffer palsy brain. Her name is Thumbelina.

Is wordelful to find out how the animals like Thumbelina are able to help many people. Her kindness is opossite to her size, she loves children maybe because they are small like her.
The first time I saw Thumbelina, I thought that it was a joke, none of us knew about dwarf horses, it was possible? Nonsense!!

Now I realize that be tender-hearted, friendly and smart is not about size and is not only for human being.

1 comment:

Bond said...

Hi! you really like animals. Actually, I'm interesting a lot of knowledges, even if a little importance thing. However, I'm not interesting in animals. Especially, dog and cat. I don't like them, but I used to like them, but I have some bad experiences with them. That's why I'don't like them.