Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Love Jessica

Well, I was wondering if you know why my blog is animal lover. Since I was a child animals have been an important part in my life. I grew up into a family which loves animals.

I had many dogs, different breeds for example Boxer, Miniature Schnauzer, Labrador, Australian Terrier, German Shepherd, Bullmastiff, and my favorites straydogs, etc.
With them I've spent my time, I couldn't forget this moments, believe me these have been precious moments.

But now I want to show you another kind of animal that I find amazing!!!!
I love HIPPOS!!! I'm glad to introduce you to my favorite hippo in the world, her name is JESSICA, as you will see she looks like a lovely pet and the best... And guess!!!! We have the same taste for coffee, we love coffee!

If you want you can visit some webpages maybe you fall in love with her as me, and some day we would visit her together!!!

1 comment:

Marco said...

I really like animals, especially dogs; we have had one on my house since 2000. My dog is mischievous, his name is Lucas, and he is always running and eating. I think that my brothers and I speak and deal with him such as a person. I do not know what is going to happen when Lucas die.