Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hi everyone!!
My name is Claudia Acosta L, I'm dentist and orthodontist from Colombia. I've been in Canada for seven months today. What an amazing experience!!! It is like I was born again, you know, different language, customs, and weather. Everything is new.
Maybe the most difficult thing for me has been learning English. I need to be able to remake my life by myself, but if I can't communicate properly it will be very difficult and my world become smaller than never. For this reason, I'm learning English doing my best, I'd like learn as soon as possible.


HunUg said...

I think you're really good person. You can do it you want everythings.
I hope that you can pass the dentist exam soon~~!!
Have a good night!!
See you tomorrow.

marvin said...

I belive that you can improve your English skill as soon as possible!!

And.. Thanks alot for a cherries ;)

Jacob said...

hi! ma friend!
I'm happy to meet you. You're good teacher, student, and friend. Also, you've already known about Canada very well. hahaha
So, I'm sure that our english will be improved more and more.
D'ya think so? ^^

Seeya tomorrow^^

emi said...

Hello!Claudia! wow! I didn't know that you are dentist! Please clean my teeth:):):) And I suprised that your blog colour is black because you look so soft, not dark image. But your dog is very cute!

Ra'ed said...

Hi camarada
Don't worry, whenever you work hard you learn fast and you are a really hard worker

sorry I gave all the class the wrong address
could you please add the right address
it is zamoh

Alejandra said...

Hi friend...

She is so cute and lovely...

I want a dog like her, but i can remember the kind of that dog, and Could you refresh my mine, please???

deyvid-s said...

Hi Claudia, wow a dentist in my class! is good to know about that jeje... I think that we are doing a excelent work in the class and I'm sure that you are going to speak english very well in a very short time. You are really intelligent!!!

Ru said...

how cute!! my girlfriend has three dogs that are the same type with your dog.

IBRAHIM said...

I am sure that you will reach your goal. Just keep in your mind that you can. Do not give up, keep trust yourself and read the success stories. I advise you to read Prophets stories but try to find a one without any perverting
or change. I like to read their stories specially Noah,Moses, Abraham,Jossif, Jesus and mohammed
Good luck and keep in touch
send me your news i will be glad to recive mails from you.